Wednesday, December 17, 2008

pOSt # 8

-Architects gathered in the library on the top floor of the Rookery to present drawings of the fair;s main structure to the Grounds and Bulidings Committee
-Architects got down to work
-Sullivan had already modified his own buliding
Burnham wanted Alder and Sullivan to design the fair's Music Hall
-Lyman Gage is the preseident
-There were many architects
4 questions
-How many architects help buld the fair?
-What was the extraordinary that occured?
-What was a unspoken approval?
-Is Burnham still continueing the business?
3 vocabulary
sirocco-a hot, dry, dustladen wind blowing from northern Africa and affecting parts of southern Europe.
disavow-To disclaim knowledge of, responsibility for, or association with.
enliven-to make vigorous or active; invigorate
2 literary terms
Rather, every flower, shurb, and tree was to be deployed with an eye ...' hyperbole
' a display of flowers demanding attention' hyperbole
1 overview sentence
This part of the book is about the architects metting.

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