Sunday, October 26, 2008

post # 9

-When Esmeraldas mom returns from New York she finds that her husband moved all her children.
-Her mom looks different ( has makeup on )
-When they walk down the street Guys wistle at her
-Shes proud to walk next to her mother
-Esmeralda snuck into her dads secret room when he was in the bathroom
4 questions
-Why did they move this time?
-Was Esmeralda the only one who got her own room ?
-Why did her father decided to go into the food bissness?
-Did Esmeralda believe what was heard on the radio?
3 vocabulary
palpable-capable of being touched or felt; tangible.
turbaned-a man's headdress worn chiefly by Muslims in southern Asia, consisting of a long cloth of silk, linen, cotton, etc., wound either about a cap or directly around the head.
morose-gloomily or sullenly ill-humored, as a person or mood.
2 literary terms
'... to find the limb on vines that looked suspiciously like ropes decorated with sweet-potato vines' simile
'... flapping of wings above sounded like secret applause' simile
1 overvie sentence
In this chapter Esmeralda found different wasy 2 show and feel the power of love

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