Friday, February 6, 2009

post # 3

-Epidemic diseases have brought about more major changes in world history than all the kinds and generals and statemen whose careers have been written about so often
-In 1934 Hans Zinsser, a professor of bacteriology wrote a book titled Rats, Lice and History.
-More than a century ago adcanves in medicine and sanitation had reduced the number and severity of epidemics.
-this is the most boring chapter so far
- i like how it tries to entertain the reader
4 questions
-What is this chapter really about?
- Why did so many peasants arrive in cuba?
-Did most of them die when the becae the main sufferes in the new epidemic?
-who is Dr. Walter Reed?
3 vocabulary
dysentery-an infectious disease marked by inflammation and ulceration of the lower part of the bowels, with diarrhea that becomes mucous and hemorrhagic.
severity-harshness, sternness, or rigor
quarantine-a strict isolation imposed to prevent the spread of disease
2 literary terms
'fever-ridden region rivaled....' aliteration
'... a plague perhaps smallpox or a combination of diseases, so decimared and demoralized' aliteration
1 over view sentence
This chapter was basicall about diseases

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