Tuesday, June 16, 2009

post #5

-Kate became pregnant with sextuplets
-Her stomach grew to five feet long
-After 5 month she could only spend limited time on her feet
-Jon was suprised to find out how much weight she was gaining
-After she was admitted into the hospital the twins and Jon both got sick with the flue
4 questions
-If they were all sick who stayed with Kate on her first night?
When she had the sextuplets was she scared?
-Was she worried that the children wouldnt be healthy ?
-Did Kate want more boys then girls?
3 vocabulary
indocin-a brand of indomethacin
amniotic-of, pertaining to, or having an amnion
bedraggled-to make limp and soiled, as with rain or dirt.
2 literary terms
'.... each and every test on each and every single baby.." repetition
' god is gracious and strong' alliteration
1 over view sentence
Jon and kate are happy with their children and couldnt ask for more

Saturday, June 13, 2009

post # 4- multiple blessing

-There first meorable trip to disney, was when they were a family of four
-They tried again to have a baby
-Kate had to get shots to have her eggs ovulate more frequently
-Kate was going to see a different doctor then the one that she saw when she had the twins
-Kate had alot of pain
4 questions
-Why did she want more children?
-Why couldnt she be happy with two and not be greedy?
-Why was Kate crying?
-What made Mady want to hang out with her mother so much?
3 vocabulary
mourned-to feel or express sorrow or grief.
turbulent-being in a state of agitation or tumult; disturbed
any shrub belonging to the genus Hydrangea, of the saxifrage family, several species of which are cultivated for their large, showy flower clusters of white, pink, or blue.
2 literary terms
brilliant shades of blue - allteration
more stress and more stable doctor visists repitition
1 overview sentence
Kate was going through the struggle of haveing another child ones again

Friday, June 12, 2009

multiple blessin #3

- Kate wants to be a nurse
-On her first night of being a nurse she was assigned to a young teenage girl who was about to become a mother and have a child of her own
-Kate had an emotinal attackment to her patient, Jamie
-Kate wanted 2 adopt the baby, because the grandmother doesnt like the idea of haveing a black grandson
-She doesnt adopt the child because she doesnt think she would love it as much as her own children
4 Questions
-How did Jamie's family not know she was pregnant?
-Why did the mother not like black people?
-What made Jamie's mom think Kate wanted to adopt?
-Why werent Kate's parents happy about her wanting to adopt?
3 vocabulary
bigotry-stubborn and complete intolerance of any creed, belief, or opinion that differs from one's own.
distraught-mentally deranged; crazed.
concise- Expressing much in few words; clear and succinct
2 literary terms
".... we took turns holding the swaddled and drowsy newborn." repeation the same letter ( i forgot the term]
... baby boy... alliteration
1 overview sentence
The attempt to expand their familt by adoption did not succed

Monday, June 1, 2009

multiple blessings #2

-Jon and Kate were devastaded to find out they couldnt have a child
-They went to see a specialist
-After seeing the specialist, kate took a pregnancy test to se if she was with child
-She had twin girls, named Cara and Mady
-Kate was very happy with her two children she wanted just one more
4 questions
-What did the specialist give Kate?
-What was Jon's problem during the not being able to reproduce phase?
-What did Jon think when Kate became pregnant?
-Did Jon want more children after the twins?
3 vocabulary
persistent-lasting or enduring tenaciously
ravenous-extremely hungry; famished; voracious
reminisce-to recall past experiences, events, etc.; indulge in reminiscence.
2 literary terms
' beautiful and bountiful buffet' alliteration
'... but we were even more excited when we heard those musical words...' alliteration
1 overview sentence
Jon and Kate are happy they had twin girls.