Monday, June 1, 2009

multiple blessings #2

-Jon and Kate were devastaded to find out they couldnt have a child
-They went to see a specialist
-After seeing the specialist, kate took a pregnancy test to se if she was with child
-She had twin girls, named Cara and Mady
-Kate was very happy with her two children she wanted just one more
4 questions
-What did the specialist give Kate?
-What was Jon's problem during the not being able to reproduce phase?
-What did Jon think when Kate became pregnant?
-Did Jon want more children after the twins?
3 vocabulary
persistent-lasting or enduring tenaciously
ravenous-extremely hungry; famished; voracious
reminisce-to recall past experiences, events, etc.; indulge in reminiscence.
2 literary terms
' beautiful and bountiful buffet' alliteration
'... but we were even more excited when we heard those musical words...' alliteration
1 overview sentence
Jon and Kate are happy they had twin girls.

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