Wednesday, February 4, 2009

pOst # 1 100 years ago:Medicine

-The book starts of as a story.
-The doctors office changed alot over 100 years
-100 years ago, doctors made house calls
-Doctors from 100 years ago would hesitate to send their patient to the hospital
-There has been more changes in the last 100 years than in the last 1,000 years
4 questions
-Why wasnt there anythign the doctor could do to help the patient?
-Why did doctors from a century ago make house calls?
-Why dont doctors make house calls anymore?
-Were there hospitals back then ?
3 vocabulary
ailments- A physical or mental disorder, especially a mild illness.
diphtheria-a febrile, infectious disease caused by the bacillus Corynebacterium diphtheriae, and characterized by the formation of a false membrane in the air passages, esp. the throat.
virulent-actively poisonous; intensely noxious
2 literary terms
'The fever gree worse' personsafication
'..... they didnt worry about highcholesterol dies or cancer-causing chemicals in thier water.' alliteration
1 over view sentence
The first chapter starts off with the aurthor telling the reader a stories.

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