Sunday, February 8, 2009

post #5


-100 years ago people didnt know about the relationship between food and health

-In he 1800s scurvy had virtually ceased to be a problem in the british navy

-captain James cook insisted that his sailors drink lemon or lime juice during long voyages

-out of 96,500 prisoners fed on the cheaper brown rice only 9 hd the disease

-in 1924 iodine had been added to salt to prevent the development of goiter

4 questions

-Why was the rice so bad?

-Why did only 9 people get the disease?

-who was Eijkman?

-Why was the dutch east indian company haveing trouble with beriberi?

3 vocabulary

gotesque-a localized collection of pus in the tissues of the body, often accompanied by swelling and inflammation and frequently caused by bacteria.

eradication-to erase by rubbing or by means of a chemical solvent

nonimmune-likely to be affected with;

2 literary terms

'... natural foods, that is,foods that are grown...' repitition

' when the U.S entered World War II...' repitition

1 overview sentence

This chapter was basically about how 100 years ago people made cruel jokes about disabled people.

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