Tuesday, June 16, 2009

post #5

-Kate became pregnant with sextuplets
-Her stomach grew to five feet long
-After 5 month she could only spend limited time on her feet
-Jon was suprised to find out how much weight she was gaining
-After she was admitted into the hospital the twins and Jon both got sick with the flue
4 questions
-If they were all sick who stayed with Kate on her first night?
When she had the sextuplets was she scared?
-Was she worried that the children wouldnt be healthy ?
-Did Kate want more boys then girls?
3 vocabulary
indocin-a brand of indomethacin
amniotic-of, pertaining to, or having an amnion
bedraggled-to make limp and soiled, as with rain or dirt.
2 literary terms
'.... each and every test on each and every single baby.." repetition
' god is gracious and strong' alliteration
1 over view sentence
Jon and kate are happy with their children and couldnt ask for more

Saturday, June 13, 2009

post # 4- multiple blessing

-There first meorable trip to disney, was when they were a family of four
-They tried again to have a baby
-Kate had to get shots to have her eggs ovulate more frequently
-Kate was going to see a different doctor then the one that she saw when she had the twins
-Kate had alot of pain
4 questions
-Why did she want more children?
-Why couldnt she be happy with two and not be greedy?
-Why was Kate crying?
-What made Mady want to hang out with her mother so much?
3 vocabulary
mourned-to feel or express sorrow or grief.
turbulent-being in a state of agitation or tumult; disturbed
any shrub belonging to the genus Hydrangea, of the saxifrage family, several species of which are cultivated for their large, showy flower clusters of white, pink, or blue.
2 literary terms
brilliant shades of blue - allteration
more stress and more stable doctor visists repitition
1 overview sentence
Kate was going through the struggle of haveing another child ones again

Friday, June 12, 2009

multiple blessin #3

- Kate wants to be a nurse
-On her first night of being a nurse she was assigned to a young teenage girl who was about to become a mother and have a child of her own
-Kate had an emotinal attackment to her patient, Jamie
-Kate wanted 2 adopt the baby, because the grandmother doesnt like the idea of haveing a black grandson
-She doesnt adopt the child because she doesnt think she would love it as much as her own children
4 Questions
-How did Jamie's family not know she was pregnant?
-Why did the mother not like black people?
-What made Jamie's mom think Kate wanted to adopt?
-Why werent Kate's parents happy about her wanting to adopt?
3 vocabulary
bigotry-stubborn and complete intolerance of any creed, belief, or opinion that differs from one's own.
distraught-mentally deranged; crazed.
concise- Expressing much in few words; clear and succinct
2 literary terms
".... we took turns holding the swaddled and drowsy newborn." repeation the same letter ( i forgot the term]
... baby boy... alliteration
1 overview sentence
The attempt to expand their familt by adoption did not succed

Monday, June 1, 2009

multiple blessings #2

-Jon and Kate were devastaded to find out they couldnt have a child
-They went to see a specialist
-After seeing the specialist, kate took a pregnancy test to se if she was with child
-She had twin girls, named Cara and Mady
-Kate was very happy with her two children she wanted just one more
4 questions
-What did the specialist give Kate?
-What was Jon's problem during the not being able to reproduce phase?
-What did Jon think when Kate became pregnant?
-Did Jon want more children after the twins?
3 vocabulary
persistent-lasting or enduring tenaciously
ravenous-extremely hungry; famished; voracious
reminisce-to recall past experiences, events, etc.; indulge in reminiscence.
2 literary terms
' beautiful and bountiful buffet' alliteration
'... but we were even more excited when we heard those musical words...' alliteration
1 overview sentence
Jon and Kate are happy they had twin girls.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Multiple Blessing #1

-From only reading the first few pages i think that the book will be mostly written by Kate Gosslin, mostly because she was the person who experince the most when delievering twins and sextuplets
-JOn and Kate met on a company picnic
-They both love children
-Kate realized that a moment where they were holding a child, that that day was a foreshadowing day for them
-Jon and Kate got married June 12th 1999
4 questions
-Why did they have a small wedding?
-Why couldnt Kate ovulate?
-Was her condition genetic?
-What did JOn think of her condition?
3 vocabulary
Scholarly-concerned with academic learning and research.
fluctuation-To rise and fall in or as if in waves; undulate
infertility-The persistent inability to achieve conception and produce an offspring.
2 literary terms
'I felt empty, betrayed, and broken-like somehad played a cruel joke and stolen all of my dreams when i wasnt looking' simile
' momentous maker of a new millennium' alliteration
1 over view sentence
The introduction to eachother and their future children.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

pOst # 10

nevermind the narrator didnt go to Jamaica, she was jsut reading a letter
Rochester pulls Amelie down onto the bed with him.
Antoinette does not return for three days
Rochester runs outside to the forest and finds himself near the ruined house he had seen on his earlier forest walk
4 questions
-Why did she go to Jamaica?
-What race are these people?
-what is the name of the narrator?
-What is Spanish town?
3 vocabulary
tricorne-having three horns or hornlike projections; three-cornered
sombre-dark and dull, as color, or as things in respect to color
patois-jargon; cant; argon
2 literary terms
' .. and strode off, barefooted on the sharp stones' alliteration
' the cleaner taste of champagne' alliteration
1 overview sentence
Basically it got kind of sexual or something.

post # 9

- Antoinette calls Daniel a liar
-Antoinette is being called 'Bertha'
Rochester is pushing a telescope at some point
Antoniette talks about her mother here
she talks to Rochester about things that have been bothering her
4 questions
-Why does Antoinette hate Rochester?
-Why does he lie to her?
-Wy does he ignore her?
-Why does Rochester care?
3 vocabulary
porter-a person hired to carry burdens or baggage, as at a railroad station or a hotel
dismounted-to bring or throw down, as from a horse; unhorse; throw
shamrock-Any of several plants, such as a clover or wood sorrel, having compound leaves with three small leaflets, considered the national emblem of Ireland.
2 literary terms
' Cloves I could smell and cinnamon ' Alliteration
' hated the mountains and the hills, the rivers and the rain. I hated the sunsets of whatever colour, I hated its beauty and its magic and the secret I would never know. I hated its indifference and the cruelty which was part of its loveliness' reppition
1 overview sentence

Basically about how antoinette isnt talking to her.

Monday, April 27, 2009

post # 8

-I wonder how old she is now
-This book continue to bore me but i guess it will get better
-I notice that so far i havent seen the narratos name
-apperently they were trying to find outfits
-They have alot of narration
4 questions
Why havent i seen the name of the narrator?
-Who is caro?
-What other language do they speak in this book besides english ?
Whos is Emile?
3 vocabulary
gesticulating-to make or use gestures, esp. in an animated or excited manner with or instead of speech
melacholy-a gloomy state of mind, esp. when habitual or prolonged; depression.
a bright, hot gleam or glow
something that threatens to cause evil, harm, injury, etc.; a threat:
2 literary terms
' ask him how old he is' alliteration
' head handkerchief' alliterations
1 overview sentence
This part of the book explains how the narrator talks to Emile about how her mother is not alive.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

post # 7

She had a bad dream
The nun took her out of her room and asked her if she was ill.
The nun told her her dream was evil and she had to forget about it
I found out that the narrator is 17 years old
This book hasnt gotten my attention
4 questions
-Where is Coulibri?
-Why did she continue dreaming of home?
-Why did sister Marie Augustine ask hr if she was ill?
Why did she lead her out of the dormitory?
3 vocabulary
convent-a community of persons devoted to religious life under a superior.
massacre-the unnecessary, indiscriminate killing of a large number of human beings or animals, as in barbarous warfare or persecution or for revenge or plunder.
malignant-disposed to cause harm, suffering, or distress deliberately; feeling or showing ill will or hatred
2 literary terms
'Now i do not try to hold up my dress, it trails in the dirty, my beautiful dress' repition
'... of our interminable journey from jamaica ' aliteration
1 over view sentence
One good sentence would be that she continues to have dreams about Coulibri.

post # 6 wide sargasso sea

-Hey aunt told her she was going to England
-The narrator watched her aunt as a machine melted slik together
-Her step father would always give her a present
-She wasnt able to wer most of the stuff her step father gave to her
- her step father asked her to move in with him
4 questions
-Why did he ask her to move in?
-Were the presents for her birthday?
-why hasn't the narrator been taught to dance?
-Why did she go 2 a catholic school if her family didnt seem to be religious?
3 vocabulary
rheumatism-any disorder of the extremities or back, characterized by pain and stiffness.
deportment-demeanor; conduct; behavior.
chemises-a woman's loose-fitting, shirtlike undergarmet
2 literary terms
'Hous and hours and hours i thought' repition
' You cry for her-when she ever cry for you? repition
1 overview sentence
She talks about many things that she has to forget about for some reason.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

post # 5

-The narrator is crying after the encounter with the girl and boy who were following her
-She went to a catholic school with nuns
-The girl began to crack her knuckles, trying to intimidate the narrator
-Another boy helped the narrator with the books she droped
-The boy (named Alexander) told her that the other two kids would not bother her anymore
4 questions
-Why did the narrator start crying?
-Why were the nuns not being nice, or trying to comfort her as she was crying?
-Why did she want her hair like Helen?
-Why didnt they have any looking-glass?
3 vocabulary
pelted-to attack or assail with repeated blows or with missiles.
jostling-to bump, push, shove, brush against, or elbow roughly or rudely.
basin-a circular container with a greater width than depth, becoming smaller toward the bottom, used chiefly to hold water or other liquid, esp. for washing.
2 literary terms
"Dont touch me. I'll kill you if you touch me. Coward. Hypocrite. I'll kill you' repititon
' He had the eys of a dead fish' metaphor
1 overview sentence
Basically explains her talking to a nun in school.

post number four wide sargasso sea

-They were trying to leave
-The family saw a parrot die, it was caught on fire
-It was bad luck to see a parrot die
-The narrator fainted
-Once awoken by her aunt she asked her to sing her song
4 questions
-Why were black people called Englishman?
-Why were white people called white niggers?
-Why was it bad luck to see a parrot die?
-Why was the narrator being followed while walking to school?
3 vocabulary
crimson-deep purplish-red
pious-having or showing a dutiful spirit of reverence for God or an earnest wish to fulfill religious obligations
bridle-part of the tack or harness of a horse, consisting usually of a headstall, bit, and reins.
2 literary terms
'..... holding my hand...' aliteration
'They are laughing at you, do not allow them to laugh at you' repition
1 over view sentence
This part of the book is basically about how her family had to leave their house.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

post # 3 30-41

-Mr. Mason didnt approve of aunt cora
-Aunt Cora's husband didnt like her family
-There was an old mans bloody hand near the stable apprently
-Annette wasnt being resonable
-Cora's husband hated the West Indies
4 questions
-Why did Mr mason not approve of Aunt Cora?
-Why didnt Aunt Cora's husband like her family?
-Why did her husband hate the West Indies?
-Who was whistleing near the stable?
3 vocabulary
terrace-the flat roof of a house.
quavered-to perform trills in singing or on a musical instrument.
cloak-a loose outer garment, as a cape or coat.
2 literary terms
"the called us white cockroaches" hyperbole
"Let sleepin dogs lie" hyperbole
1 over view sentence
This is a good part in the chapter because it explains more about her childhood.

post # 2 pages 17-30

- In the first senence of the chapter i dont understand who 'they' is refering to.
-the author is refering to people without mentioning a name.
-she thought her father's second wife was much to young for him
-Mr. Luttrell had his own misfortunes
-Mr. Luttrell grew tired of waiting
4 questions
-Why did he grow tired of waiting?
-Why did he shot his dog?
-Why did he swim off to sea?
-Did anyone ever find him?
3 vocabulary
distinctly-without doubt; unmistakably.
prosperous-having or characterized by financial success or good fortune
mauve-a pale bluish purple
2 literary terms
"The lord made no distinction between black,and white....." hyperbole
"underneath the tree ferns, tall as forest trees ferns..." methaphor
1 overview sentence
this part of the chapter explains her relationship with her father and his new wife, well the part that entertained me was.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Wide Sargasso Sea introduction - pages 5-13

-jean Rhys was born at Roseau, Dominica
-Her father was a Welsh doctor
- Her mother was a Creole- a white west indian
-Jean came to England at the age of 16
-She married a Dutch poet
4 questions
-What did her aprents think of her marrieing a dutch poet?
-Why did she leave England?
-Why did she return to england?
-Why did Jean 'disapper' after writing Good Morning, Midnight?
3 vocabulary
immensely-vast; huge; very great
emancipated-not constrained or restricted by custom, tradition, superstition
patronizing-to give (a store, restaurant, hotel, etc.) one's regular patronage; trade with.
2 literary terms
-'.... and then she falls passionately in love with him...' over exageration
-' What strucked me was....' over exageration
1 over view sentence
Basically an overview about Jean's life and her work that has been published

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

last post #10

-Basically the first sentence of this chapter says that a doctor that makes house calls is a mythic figure today
-Medical school had no stethoscopes or microscopes until after the civil war and did not reiqure a four year course
-Abraham Flexner was a former highschool teacher
-The first school for women doctors in American opened in 1850
- the first nursing schools were established in the 1870s
4 questions
-Who was the first nurse?
-Where was mount moriah hospital located?
- Who was Dr. Mayo ?
- Why did the name a clinic after Dr. Mayo?
3 vocabulary
diagnosis-the process of determining by examination the nature and circumstances of a diseased condition
malpractice-any improper, negligent practice; misconduct or misuse.
soared-To climb swiftly or powerfully.
2 literary terms
'.... Honk Kong, Korea, India' aliteration
'in the late-nineteenth-century counterpart....' aliteration
1 over view sentence
So the last few chapters were about how nurses becamee what they are and how women were able to be in the operation room

post # 9

- The medicine show is part of American History
-By 1950 Hadacol was grossing at least $20 million throughout twenty-two states
-Hadacol was sold for $3.50 a bottle
-Hadacol contained a number of vitamins and minerals
-In 1950 hundreds of thousands of Americas were puttinq down good money
4 questions
-Who is Senator Dudley?
-Who was Mickey Rooney?
-Who was Roy Acuff?
-Who was Gracie Allen?
3 vocabulary
-tedious-marked by tedium; long and tiresome
-eradicate-to erase by rubbing or by means of a chemical solvent
gullible-easily deceived or cheated
2 literary terms
'....Hadacol Heart attack....' aliteration
'...many of the medicines...' aliteration
1 overvies sentence
This chapter was about the medicine show

Monday, February 9, 2009

post # 8

-The writer Robert Louis Stevenson was a victim of tuberculosis
-He traveled all over the world in search of a climate in which his frail health might improve
-on january 20 1890 he wrote a long-delayed letter to his doctor back in Europe
-In 1884 physicians first began using cocaine injections as a local anesthetic
- In 1900s there were 200,000 addicts in the United States
4 questions
-Who was Robert Stevenson?
-What did the climate have to do with his disease?
-Why werent doctors able to prescribe narcotics to addicts?
-When was opium discovered?
3 vocabulary
obstinate-firmly or stubbornly adhering to one's purpose, opinion, etc.; not yielding to argument, persuasion, or entreaty.
influenza-an acute, commonly epidemic disease, occurring in several forms, caused by numerous rapidly mutating viral strains and characterized by respiratory symptoms and general prostration
scrunity-a searching examination or investigation; minute inquiry
2 literary terms
'filthy habit' metaphor
'why had the ortisone test, and th test of many....' repitition
1 over view sentence
This chapter was about dangerous drugs

post # 7

-Asprine has a rather curious history
-In1883 a german chemist put together a compound called antipyrine
-In 1935 French investigators were not only able to reproduce the German discovery
-In 1936 use of the new drug in the US got an enormous boost
-There was a brief investigation of Fleming's discovery in the US
4 questions
-Why does this chapter start of talking about asprine?
-What does asprine have to do with anything?
-Why was salicylic acid so deadly?
-What was antipyrine good for?
sulfanlamide-a white, crystalline amide of sulfanilic acid, C6H8N2O2S, formerly used in the treatment of bacterial infections: replaced by its derivatives and by antibiotics
stride-to walk with long steps, as with vigor, haste, impatience, or arrogance.
retardant-any substance capable of reducing the speed of a given reaction.
2 literary terms
'one of he cultures had become contaminated' aliteration
Fleming began o test is bacteria cleanser on various types of bacteria' repititon
1 over view seentence
This chapter is basically about asprine and bacteria

Sunday, February 8, 2009

post #5


-100 years ago people didnt know about the relationship between food and health

-In he 1800s scurvy had virtually ceased to be a problem in the british navy

-captain James cook insisted that his sailors drink lemon or lime juice during long voyages

-out of 96,500 prisoners fed on the cheaper brown rice only 9 hd the disease

-in 1924 iodine had been added to salt to prevent the development of goiter

4 questions

-Why was the rice so bad?

-Why did only 9 people get the disease?

-who was Eijkman?

-Why was the dutch east indian company haveing trouble with beriberi?

3 vocabulary

gotesque-a localized collection of pus in the tissues of the body, often accompanied by swelling and inflammation and frequently caused by bacteria.

eradication-to erase by rubbing or by means of a chemical solvent

nonimmune-likely to be affected with;

2 literary terms

'... natural foods, that is,foods that are grown...' repitition

' when the U.S entered World War II...' repitition

1 overview sentence

This chapter was basically about how 100 years ago people made cruel jokes about disabled people.

post # 6

-Cholera was a terribledisease that reularly ravaged London and other cities during the 19th century
-One of the worst outbreaks ever took place in Broad Street in London in 1854
-John Snow suspected that the disease was spread by water taken from a popular street pump
-Prince Albert died of typhoid
-The relationship between dirty air and disease was difficult to establish
4 questions
-Who is prince albert?
- How did the pump become so durty that it made people become infected with some disease ?
- Who came up with the word swong?
-What does Holmes have to do with medicine?
3 vocabulary
brewery-a building or establishment for brewing beer or other malt liquors, esp. the building where the brewing is done.
prominent-standing out so as to be seen easily; conspicuous; particularly noticeable
evocative-tending to evoke
2 literary terms
'public health problems are far from solved ' aliteration
'Smoking, particularly cigarette smoking....' repitition
1 overview sentence
This chapter is basically about how alot of people got a disease from drinking polluted water

Saturday, February 7, 2009

pOst # 4

-This chapter is about the first operation to remove the appendix
-King Edward VII was the first person to get his appendix removed
-Reginald Heber Fitz announced that he had dissected more than 5oo people who had died in various stages of perityphlitis
-Perityphlitis was soon changed to appendicitis
-Many people had to go through operations without useing anesthetics
4 questions
-How many people died of shock/pain during an operation?
-Who were some of the others who were in the book of wolrd records?
-Why was perityphlitis changed to appendicits so randomly?
-This chapter mentions boston alot, did boston have an important role in medicine?
3 vocabulary
Formidable-causing fear, apprehension, or dread
deteriorate-to make or become worse or inferior in character, quality, value, etc.
abscess-a localized collection of pus in the tissues of the body, often accompanied by swelling and inflammation and frequently caused by bacteria.
2 literary terms
'the doctor's dilemma' aliteration
'burned all the blankets and bedclothing' aliteration
1 over view sentence
This chapter is bassically about King Edwards appendix

Friday, February 6, 2009

post # 3

-Epidemic diseases have brought about more major changes in world history than all the kinds and generals and statemen whose careers have been written about so often
-In 1934 Hans Zinsser, a professor of bacteriology wrote a book titled Rats, Lice and History.
-More than a century ago adcanves in medicine and sanitation had reduced the number and severity of epidemics.
-this is the most boring chapter so far
- i like how it tries to entertain the reader
4 questions
-What is this chapter really about?
- Why did so many peasants arrive in cuba?
-Did most of them die when the becae the main sufferes in the new epidemic?
-who is Dr. Walter Reed?
3 vocabulary
dysentery-an infectious disease marked by inflammation and ulceration of the lower part of the bowels, with diarrhea that becomes mucous and hemorrhagic.
severity-harshness, sternness, or rigor
quarantine-a strict isolation imposed to prevent the spread of disease
2 literary terms
'fever-ridden region rivaled....' aliteration
'... a plague perhaps smallpox or a combination of diseases, so decimared and demoralized' aliteration
1 over view sentence
This chapter was basicall about diseases

post # 2 ROAR number 3

-the first Nobel prizes weree awarded in 1901
-In 1915 radium was selling at an incredible $135,00 a gram
-X-rays were band at soem point because people thought others could use them see through there clothes
-the cause of yellow fever was unkown in 1899
-the first x-ray was invented in 1895
4 questions
-y were x-rays so popular?
- why didnt the guy who invented X-rays think it was a big deal?
-why were X-rays found useful?
-When did they become so useful?
endeavor-to attempt
impenetrable-not penetrable; that cannot be penetrated, pierced, entered, etc.
deceptively-perceptually misleading
2 literary terms
"permantly on a photographic plate' aliteration
'diying of diabetes' aliteration
1 over view sentence
this chapter spoke mostly on X-rays

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

pOst # 1 100 years ago:Medicine

-The book starts of as a story.
-The doctors office changed alot over 100 years
-100 years ago, doctors made house calls
-Doctors from 100 years ago would hesitate to send their patient to the hospital
-There has been more changes in the last 100 years than in the last 1,000 years
4 questions
-Why wasnt there anythign the doctor could do to help the patient?
-Why did doctors from a century ago make house calls?
-Why dont doctors make house calls anymore?
-Were there hospitals back then ?
3 vocabulary
ailments- A physical or mental disorder, especially a mild illness.
diphtheria-a febrile, infectious disease caused by the bacillus Corynebacterium diphtheriae, and characterized by the formation of a false membrane in the air passages, esp. the throat.
virulent-actively poisonous; intensely noxious
2 literary terms
'The fever gree worse' personsafication
'..... they didnt worry about highcholesterol dies or cancer-causing chemicals in thier water.' alliteration
1 over view sentence
The first chapter starts off with the aurthor telling the reader a stories.